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Mass Daffodil Bulb Planting at six schools thanks to Clockhouse Nursery Donations!


Updated: Dec 6, 2022

Clockhouse Nursery donated enough bulbs, pots and compost to six of our school projects. More than 320 children across 6 of our school projects took part in planting and taking home their bulbs!

Giving thanks,

“Thank you for donating all of the bulbs so that we could learn how to plant them and take them home to grow beautiful flowers!”

Thank you so much to Clockhouse Nursey for all the bulbs, compost and pots that enabled over 320 children across 6 schools in London, to take part in a workshop where they learnt about bulbs, how to plant them and care for them before taking them home!

The children loved taking part in the workshops and were surprised that the 'onion looking bulbs' will create beautiful smelling flowers for wildlife and us in the Spring Time.

We appreciate all the donations from Clockhouse Nursery over the years and recommend them for plant supplies!

You can find their website via the link below:

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